Temenos Journal II

December 16, 2012

What to tell children when tragedy strikes….

Mr. Rogers had a calming influence on children and parents.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.

–Fred Rogers

Helpful link:



December 13, 2012

Guilt & Parenting

Filed under: Forgiveness,Spiritual Activism,Temenos Journal — by Genie Webster @ 9:27 am
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Parenting children in this age of Google and YouTube is uncharted territory. This blog raises some good points to ponder and chew on…

Why You’re Never Failing as a Mother

You might also like:

Forgive Your Mother

and Forgive Your Mother’s Dysfunctional Mother


December 3, 2012

Advanced Forgiveness Lesson

Be assured that if you knew all, you would pardon all.

~Thomas A. Kempis

Thomas A. Kempis

Thomas A. Kempis

Holding on to a grievance is always a mistake… because there’s always part of the story that you do not know. Only God knows the whole story.

‎”No one can judge on partial evidence. That is not judgment. It is merely an opinion based on ignorance and doubt. Its seeming certainty is but a cloak for the uncertainty it would conceal. It needs irrational defense because it is irrational. And its defense seems strong, convincing, and without a doubt because of all the doubting underneath.”

~ Lesson 152, A Course in Miracles

December 1, 2012

What if you knew today was your last?

This is one man’s story about how he changed after he survived a plane crash. I’m so glad he’s sharing his story and so am I….


November 2, 2012

A Purple Funeral, of course

Purple Casket

Why do we wait until someone’s memorial service to gather in their honor?

They say when a loved one dies, either you are glad you spent quality time with them recently… or you regret that you didn’t spend more time together.

Why not make that phone call to someone with whom you’ve had a disconnect.  Give ten minutes of your time to invest in extending love… Reach out and show someone you’re ready to see them as innocent and give them a clean slate. Someone you have been avoiding because they remind you of… something in yourself that has not yet healed.

You can choose to heal. You can grow. You can let go.

Model forgiveness and acceptance, like Jesus and our Mother Mary.

Let it go.

October 18, 2012

She Let Go

She Let Go

She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.

She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.
She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.

She didn’t analyze whether she should let go. She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn’t call the prayer line. She didn’t utter one word. She just let go.

No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.

There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore.

~ Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science

I get it. That’s what this story is all about, and also the song at the end of this story: Room For You


October 11, 2012

Knowing something by heart

To know something by heart is to be confident that you have memorized the technicalities of a thing… whether it is the lyrics to a song, the words to a script, the rules of the road, the words to a prayer, etc.

If I know a song by heart, then I can trust my ego to get out of the way and let authentic soulfulness be expressed, through my instrument, which is my whole body. Sometimes I accompany myself with a guitar.

If I know a prayer by heart, then I can let my thinking fall away and let authentic soulfulness be expressed by my openness to what is Real.


August 26, 2012

Find Us Faithful

One of the greatest benefits of being a “singer for hire” is the opportunity to learn and delve deeply into songs I probably never would have otherwise discovered.

This song is a heart-opener for me.

This song gives me hope. Singing this song is one way for me to express my love to those children who will probably know me better only after I’m gone.

I’m paying more attention to the footprint I will be leaving behind…


July 6, 2012

What matters most….

What matters the most is… Can you turn off the chatter in your head long enough to give your total attention and focus to the present moment?

Because if you cannot do that, then you do not have control over your thoughts.

Uncontrolled thoughts are like static on a recording. Static detracts from the clarity of a recording. So does uncontrolled mind chatter detract from critical thinking and creative spontaneity.

We can improve our ability to control our thoughts by practicing. Athletes practice controlling their thoughts when they get “on their marks” in a race… or when they huddle up in a game.

We learn to focus our minds so that we give our best performance on the job or at our art or craft, or at our sport.

We can also learn to focus our minds in our daily spiritual practice, so that we can be quiet long enough to sense whether we are really on track or not. Our Higher Guidance is most often subtle. There must be quiet to hear the “still small voice.”

Keep your mind’s eye focused on being in your “right” mind, in the present moment…

That’s what seems to be most important in staying peaceful and sane.

Keep your focus on this moment

June 4, 2012

Forgive Your Mother’s Dysfunctional Mother

I never claimed to be a perfect mother.

But I was a better mother to my daughter than my mother was to me. My mother was a better mother to me than her mother was to her. And my daughter will be a better mother to her daughter than I was to her. It seems that as we evolve, each generation is better at parenting than the last.

Hopefully, we are contributing to the betterment of civilization as a whole by our generational evolution within our families.

Let us forgive the ones that made mistakes before our all-knowingness came to rule our worlds.



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