Temenos Journal II

October 4, 2014

Surrendering Judgment


Surrendering Judgment

by Paul Ferrini

One of the most important spiritual practices
is to let things be as they are without interpretation,
without embellishment, without judgment.
That immediately gives the ego a coronary.

Imagine telling the ego it cannot judge, compare, interpret?
What then is it going to do?
It doesn’t really know how to do anything else.

As soon as we try to tell the ego not to judge
a whole new layer of judgment comes up.
But that’s why the process is so rich.

From Everyday Wisdom by Paul Ferrini

Surrendering Judgment

Surrendering Judgment

by Paul Ferrini

One of the most important spiritual practices
is to let things be as they are without interpretation,
without embellishment, without judgment.
That immediately gives the ego a coronary.

Imagine telling the ego it cannot judge, compare, interpret?
What then is it going to do?
It doesn’t really know how to do anything else.

As soon as we try to tell the ego not to judge
a whole new layer of judgment comes up.
But that’s why the process is so rich.

From Everyday Wisdom by Paul Ferrini

December 15, 2013

The Technology of Success

Success, as I’m using it here, is defined as the self-perception that you are reaching your potential for fulfillment in any given area of your life. Success is defined by what you believe about yourself.

Some people seem to attract success and others resist success by attracting bad luck… why is that?

I’m learning that there is indeed a technology for success. There are a variety of teachers and methods for this technology.

I’ve been studying pieces and parts of the technology of success all my life, but I was missing the glue that put all the pieces together.  A big turning point for me was sparked at my first Out of the Matrix weekend in February 2013. I went to 5 or 6 subsequent Out of the Matrix weekends and learned a lot more about the technology. Not only that, but I did the homework and started seeing some dramatic results.

More specific technology for success is taught in Kabbalah, and using the tools from both technologies has resulted in huge personal breakthroughs for me, which continue to unfold.

If you learn the technology, apply the technology, and stay connected to like-minded teachers and students of the technology, then you can’t not be successful!

There are other technologies as well, but I like these two the best.

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July 2, 2013

The Primal Prayer

Filed under: Kabbalah,Temenos Journal — by Genie Webster @ 11:02 pm
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I’m not too big on prayer. I don’t ask other people to pray for me or my loved ones. I figure God already knows every detail about everyone’s situation.

I meditate, though. I think about my loved ones and hold them in a space of healing love. But I wouldn’t call that praying.

However, in a crisis, I know a prayer that works. It goes like this: “Help me!”

That prayer worked when I was confronted by two snarling dobermans, alone on a mountain trail. (Obviously, I survived!)

(See On Barking Dogs and Sovereignty of Mind for the whole story.)

That prayer worked when I woke up in the middle of the night with awful heartburn… only to realize “Wait a minute… this couldn’t be heartburn… I skipped dinner tonight…. oh shit! It’s a heart attack. HELP ME!!!” And I got immediate and clear instructions to slow my system down by taking some deep breaths. (This was turning out to be a terrific prayer!)

Fast Forward to this year.

I’m a new student of Kabbalah. The homework after the first class was very simple. Say one short prayer first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Ask for help. Say “Help me!”

Aha! I already know this is an effective and easy-to-remember prayer! Now I learn that this is the first lesson of learning Kabbalah! So I did the homework. Now, instead of praying “Help me” only when I was in the middle of a crisis, I was praying this prayer every morning and every night. I was making deposits into my spiritual bank account.

“Simply acknowledging our need for the Creator’s help can be a major step in the right direction. This is the whisper that we are not alone, the first step in building a relationship with the Creator, and the first crack in the shell of ego that imprisons the Light within us.”  – Michael Berg

It so happened that the first week I started this “Help me!” prayer routine, my car broke down upon exiting the freeway… only ten minutes from my home.  While I was waiting for the tow truck with the hood up, at least eight people stopped to offer help. This nice guy Julio even stopped to see if it was anything easy that he could fix. So helpful! The tow truck arrived in a very short time after my call, and dropped my car off at the neighborhood mechanic, only a block away from my home. When my neighbor saw me walking home with no car, she offered the use of her car the next day so I could go to work.  Help was around every corner!

I said the prayer fervently again that same week, when I learned that my position was being eliminated at my company. The rumor was that I was going to be let go. I was furious. Of course I was scared… and my car needed major repairs on top of that! My head was reeling… I was very crabby… I was beating myself up… why did I spend that money? Why didn’t I take better care of this car? blah blah blah…

I knew I needed help to reverse this downward emotional spiral and so I sent out the alarm: “Help me!” Help me remove the blocks to my powerful and unlimited Self! I need help!

That’s when I felt what I can only describe as a power surge. It was a physical sensation that propelled me into a proactive mode. I decided to go into my own business and I announced it to a couple of close friends. At the same time, I sent out resumes to about six different companies, three of which responded the next day. I was on a roll and I was confident and empowered! By the end of the week, the boss had not only decided to keep me, but he was going to send me to training for a new product.

No, I’m not too big on prayer. My only prayers are “Help me,” and “Thank you.”



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